Your Event

Welcome! We are so glad that you are here.

Our community thrives on individuals like you who are ready and willing to create vibrant and exciting events within High River. Every person makes a difference and we thank you for stepping up to be a change maker in our community.

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We are thrilled to help guide you through our new and improved special event process.

If your event or community project takes place within the public realm, then you are in the right place. But before you begin, there are a couple of things you need to know:

 1. Your important initiative is important to us too! That’s why we are here to help walk you through the various aspects of planning an event within the Town of High River.

2. The application and permit process might take longer than you  expected. Hang in there! We know it will be worth the time and effort.

3. Complete and thorough applications are necessary for approval. The more information you provide, the easier it is to stamp “approved” on your permit.

4. From seasoned vets to newbies, we all need a little help sometimes. Don’t be afraid to call, email or send a carrier pigeon. We got you!


The Special Events ‘Playbook’

The Playbook is the perfect tool to guide you through all the details of your event both big and small. Whether you are on the hunt for the perfect venue, need theme ideas or helpful fundraising pointers, the Playbook can support your idea from conception to organization to execution.

Click here to download your copy.